Town of Rockingham Selectboard
The Rockingham Selectboard meets the first Tuesday and the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Rockingham Town Hall, 7 Square, Bellows Falls. In the months of June/July/August, the Board meets the first Wednesday only. Special meetings are called as necessary.
All meetings are open to the public. The date and agenda of upcoming meetings are on the Calendar. Agendas and Minutes can be found on the Agendas & Minutes page. Meetings are live streamed on Falls Area Community TV Government.
Selectboard members are elected by the voters of Rockingham during elections held each year at Town Meeting, the first Tuesday in March. There are three three-year and two one-year seats.
The Selectboard meets jointly with the Bellows Falls Village Trustees on the 5th Tuesday of the month, or quarterly. This meeting allows the Boards to address items that impact both the Town and the Village. Joint Boards Rules of Procedures
Alcohol Use Policy
Class 4 Road Policy
Driveway Culvert Policy
Road Acceptance Policy
Political Sign Policy
Nuisance Ordinance
Animal Control Ordinance
Animal Control - No Dog Area
Fire Services Reimbursement Ordinance
Naming & Numbering of Town Highways Ordinance
Ordinance Regulating Personal Property Sales
Traffic Ordinance
Tree Removal Ordinance
Vehicles for Hire - Taxicab Ordinance
Cemetery Rules & Regulations
Municipal Entertainment Regulations
Rick Cowan
Term Expires: March 2027
Chester, VT 05143
John Dunbar
Term Expires: March 2028
Peter Golec, Chair
Term Expires: March 2026
PO Box 657
Bellows Falls, VT 05101
Bonnie North, Vice Chair
Term Expires: March 2026
Bellows Falls, VT 05101
Elijah Zimmer, Clerk
Term Expires: March 2026
Bellows Falls, VT 05101