Planning and Zoning Department
Zoning Administrator: Ryan Gumbart Office Hours: Tuesday 8:30 a.m.- 12 p.m.
(802) 230-5255 |
Regional Planner: Hallie Abuayyash (802) 376-5241 |
Acting Administrator: Gary Fox (802) 376-5425 |
Rockingham Town Offices 3rd Floor
Monday - Thursday 9a.m. - 6p.m.
Planning and Zoning permits development in the Town of Rockingham. We administer the Town’s Zoning Bylaws, Subdivision Regulations, Flood Hazard Zoning Bylaws, and other local ordinances. We also partner with the citizen planners who serve on the Rockingham Planning Commission and the Rockingham Development Review Board.
Permits that can be issued by the town planner are small-scale developments such as houses, residential additions, sheds, and barns. Commercial development, large scale residential development, and land subdivision are handled by citizen planners serving on the Development Review Board.
Development applications
Applications can be downloaded here as well as on the Applications page. Fill-in form applications do not need to be signed. We accept fully electronic submissions as long as the Applicant’s full name is typed into the form!
Blank applications are available can be mailed to applicants by request. Email or call to request an application ( / (802-230-5255)
Fees are required upon submission of application and may be made online. Checks may be mailed with hard copy applications or submissions and payments can be made, in person, at the Rockingham Town Hall.
Click here to pay online
Rockingham Fee Schedule
General Zoning Application - Fill-in-Form
Subdivision Application - Fill-in-Form
Variance Application - Fill-in-Form
Sign Application - Fill-in-Form
Highway Driveway Access Application - Fill-in-Form
Work within Right-of-Way Application - Fill-in-Form
Utilities Connection Application - Fill-in-Form
Planning and Zoning utilize a variety of mapping databases and print maps for planning and development review.
Town of Rockingham Web GIS - Main Street Maps
State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Atlas
Town of Rockingham Zoning Map
Bellows Falls Village Zoning Map Rockingham Town Plan Maps
All New Town Plan Maps 2024
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Development regulations:
Zoning Bylaws
Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Gathering Spaces
Flood Hazard Bylaw
Design Review Supplement CB-7
Subdivision Regulations
Town Highway Regulations
Development Review Board Hearings & Applications
Public Notice of DRB Hearing March 12, 2025
Agenda DRB Hearing March 12, 2024
DRB Packets:
24.1105.Buc - 1 Westminster St
25.0123.Mar - 27 Green St
Zoning Permits
25.0211.Sax - 8 Corey Hill Rd Highway Access Permit
25.0218.Bro- 10 North Ridge Rd
24.0106.Jam - 61 Square
24.0820.Faz - 8 Island St DRB
24.1106.Atk - 6 Gove St DRB
24.0723.Law - 121 Rockingham St. Lot 12 DRB
24.1008.Shi - 25 Old Terrace DRB
24.1211.Aug - 130 Rockingham St
24.1120.Imm- 14 Church St
24.0820.McG - 27 Westminster Ter DRB
24.0723.Car - 108 Lower Bartonsville Rd DRB
24.1028.Mor - 25 Old River Rd
24.1022.Bre 2 - 14 Tuttle
24.1022.Bre 1 - 14 Tuttle
24.0702.Wil - 61 Williams Rd DRB
24.0509.Dun - 9 Myrtle DRB
24.0730.Sta - 42 Old Leach Rd DRB
24.0813.Kin - 23 South St DRB
2024.1008.Fra -100 Westminster W Rd
24.0925.Glo - 705 Rockingham Rd
24.0924. Cor - 688 Pleasant Valley Rd
24.0122.Gin - 22 School St DRB
24.0903.Bre - 14 Tuttle St
24.0625.Sta - 123 Westminster West Rd DRB
24.0723.Car.1 - 108 Lower Bartonsville Rd
24.0910.Laf - 49 Schoolbus Depot Rd
24.0730.SBS - 15 Transport Park
24.0820.Sak - 38 Hines Rd.
24.08.06.Kin -16 Austin Road
24.0730.Pag - 20 Rand Rd.
24.0702.Noy- 48 Morgan St.
24.0710.War - 217 Darby Hill Rd.
24.0702.Kot - 679 Missing Link Rd.
24.0716.Ada - 55 Corey Hill Rd
24.0625.Lit - 3 Westminster St
24.0522.Mul - 101 Osgood Rd DRB
24.0328.Way - 5 Town Farm Rd DRB
24.0625.Tem - 99 Leach Rd
24.0411.Bal - 92-94 Rockingham St
24.0328.Les - 253 Darby Hill Rd
24.0328.Lea - 447 Leach Rd
24.0314.Ni - 45 Rockingham Rd
24.0321.Rex - 809 Rockingham Rd
24.0509.Bis - 2 Pond Rd
24.0506.Bal - 823 A Missing Link Rd
24.0509.Sax - 15 School St
24.0509.Lon - 315 Parker Hill Rd
24.0411.Min - 174 Hall Bridge Rd
23.1221.Rug - 10 Acorn St, 50 & 101 Oak St
24.0509.Sax - 15 School St
24.0509.HCD - 1824 Brockways Mills Rd
24.0425.Bro - 211 Williams Rd
24.0411.Wil - 61 Williams Rd
23.1221.Whi - 1441 Brockways Mills Rd
24.0411.Hea - 38 Griswold Dr
23.1228.Lem - 154 Westminster St
24.0314.McG - 4 Hall Bridge Rd 24.0314.Ada 1997 Rockingham Rd
24.0307.Sto 45 Griswold Rd
24.0204.Mas - 2 Crotty Dr.
24.0208.Wil - 18 Square 24.0201 6 Morgan St. 24.0118 92 Rockingham St 240101Ric 500 Hitchcock Rd.
24.0104.Sha 34 Upper Meadows Rd
23.1228.ZP. Fl 39 Upper Bartonsville Rd
23.1121.ZP.Wal 24 Rockingham Street
23.1116.ZP.Gon 14 Granger Street
23.0802.ZP.LaF 88 Atkinson Street
23.1105.ZP.Hin 39 Square
23.1102.ZP.Max 598 Saxtons River Road
24.1212.ZP.Twi 9 Spencer Dr
23.1019.ZP.Rug 651 Rockingham Rd DRB
23.11.20 ZP.Smi 928 Pleasant Valley Road
23.1005.zp2 63 Hall Bridge Road
2023-10-19 17 Rockingham Road 2023-10-01 119 Gaskill Road
2023-09-18 7 Maple Street SR DRB 2023-08-23 115 Rockingham St Suite 1 DRB 2023-08-22 10 Main St SR DRB 2023-08-15 24 Henry St DRB 2023-08-09 446 Missing Link Road 2023-07-27 4 Herrick’s Cover Road 2023-07-26 426 Missing Link Road 2023-07-21 669 Missing Link Road
2023-06-22 11 Old River Road 2023-06-21 857 Missing Link Road 2023-06-17 7 Atkinson Street DRB
2023-06-08 593 Saxtons River Road 2023-06-04 3 River Street DRB 2023-05-14 154 Westminster Street DRB 2023-05-11 46 Pearce Circle 2023-04-20 49 Barber Park 2023-04-12 35 Upper Bartonsville Road 2023-03-31 15 Paradise Hill 2023-03-25 21 Main St Saxtons River 2023-03-13 15 Windsor Road 2023-03-08 124 Rockingham Street DRB
2023-03-08 52 Upper Meadows Rd DRB
2023-01-03 440 Rockingham Road DRB
2022-12-16 34 Barker Street
2022-11-29 9 Meeting House Road DRB 2022-11-15 30 Industrial Drive DRB 2022-09-22 17 Henry Street DRB
2022-09-21 715 Rockingham Road 2022-09-16 16-18 Main Street DRB 2022-09-16 59 Westminster Street DRB 2022-09-15 97 Westminster Street DRB
Decisions are posted online only (as required by 24 V.S.A. § 4449). Decisions dating back to 1986 are available and can be emailed upon request. For decisions dating back to 1985 or earlier, citizens have to research those records in person at the Town Clerk’s office.
Planning Commission
This Plan is being updated this year
The Rockingham Planning Commission had a good working draft of a town plan in 2019 and 2020. Then the pandemic came and we took a hiatus from planning. We resumed work in 2021 with a new Town Plan model, from the beginning. The Town adopted the new plan on September 24, 2024.
The Rockingham Planning Commission is an up to nine member board of volunteers who are appointed by the Rockingham Selectboard. The Planning Commission authors the Town Plan and the Land Development Regulations (i.e., Zoning Bylaws, Subdivision Regulations, and Flood Hazard Area Zoning Bylaws). Currently, the Planning Commission is writing a new 8-year Town Plan - We encourage you to read the draft here:
2024 Final Town Plan to RSB - September 3, 2024
Planning Commission meetings are open to the public. Meetings start at 6:00 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month. We encourage residents to attend and provide input.
The volunteers and their term appointments: through June 30
Deborah Wright - Chair (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2025)
John Dunbar (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026)
Jana Bryan (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026)
Jim Mullen (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024)
Guy Payne (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2024)
Taylor Pichette (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026)
Dalila Hall (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026)
Andrew Dunbar (August 28, 2024-June 30, 2025)
Development Review Board (DRB)
The Rockingham Development Review Board is a quasi-judicial body comprised of seven residents, 5 regular members and up to two alternates. The Board is appointed by the Rockingham Selectboard and authorized to act under Vermont Statute 24 VSA Chapter 117 § 4460, which outlines their scope of authority and administrative responsibilities.
The Development Review Board has the sole responsibility of reviewing and taking action on proposals for land development. This includes the issuance of Subdivision Permits, Zoning Permits, Zoning Variances, and and hearing appeals of decisions of the Town's Zoning Administrator.
The DRB meets on the second Wednesday of each month. complete applications should be submitted at least one month in advance of the regular meeting date to allow time for review by the Zoning Administrator and publishing of the hearing notice which is done at least three (3) weeks prior to the meeting date. Permit hearings cannot be scheduled unless an application is deemed complete by the Zoning Administrator.
State law requires a minimum 15 day public notice period. An aggressive timeline for staff to review, process, and advertise applications is necessary.
The volunteers and their term appointments:
Archie Gleason (2024-2027)
Thaddeus Guild (2023-2026)
Travis Kemp (2024-2027)
Kathleen Martin, Vice-Chair (2023-2026)
Patrick Moyna, Chair (2024-2027)
Remy Walker (alternate) (2024-2027)
Rockingham Health & Animal Control Office
Public Health officers:
Public Health Officers are Town of Rockingham staff granted legal authority by the State of Vermont to investigate and address public health hazards. Rockingham Health Officers perform building and property inspections to detect violations and address those public health risks. Health hazards are any conditions having the potential to harm human health. Public health hazards are any condition with the potential to impact a greater number of people. A health hazard can be confined to one private property and fail to meet a public threshold standard. The Town of Rockingham Public Health Officers are only enabled to enforce rules outlined in State Law. A copy of the law can be viewed by clicking here. Public health inquiries are always treated with confidentiality to protect person(s) making the public health complaint. The Health Office is located on the 3rd Floor of the Town Hall. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you have complaints, please call, email, text, or visit our offices during business hours.
The Animal Control Officer
The Animal Control Officer is responsible for Rockingham's Animal Enforcement as regulated under state law 24 V.S.A. § 4451, and all applicable Town & Village ordinances. Call or email the Animal Control Officer, if you have issues with a rabid or hostile dog, with lost or loose dogs, or livestock, and for any concerns about the abuse or neglect of dogs, or livestock. The Animal Control Officer is appointed by the Rockingham Selectboard on an annual basis.
COVID-19 Winter Indoor Air Guidance for Public and Private Sectors
Contact Information
Town Health Officer Shaun McGinnis
802.376-5561 |
Diana Jones, Animal Control Officer
802.376.2511 |
Call, text, or email the contacts above
Locations: Rockingham Town Offices and BF Fire Department
Schedule: Monday through Thursday 8am - 5pm