The Rockingham Incremental Development Working Group (RIDWG) is made up of local residents and stakeholders looking at small-scale development and investment in the Village of Bellows Falls and Town of Rockingham. For more information contact
RIDWG video on FACT TV
September 2022- Vermont Housing and Finance Agency
November 2022- Tax Yield Per Acre with BDCC
VHFA Presentation to Rockingham Selectboard (2022- 09-20)
Task 1 Diagnostic - What We Heard Summary Memo Introductory Lecture Target Market Analysis: - Residential, Residential Appendix, Commercial, - Economy Overview EMSI: Windham County, Bellows Falls
Task 2 Implementation - Summary of Incremental Approaches Memo Dirty Dozen Introduction to Step Buildings RIDWG Presentations October 27, 2021 Spot Test Report Out Census Data 2020 Pro Formas: ADU Prototype Mansion Flats ACU Live-Work Rockingham Lister House Sales ADU Checklist
Introduction Target Market Analysis for Small Scale Projects presentation led by Sharon Woods to discuss how to understand how your market is segmented into socio-economic bands that have preferences towards the kinds of housing and commercial services they consume. Typical market studies overlook the diverse palette of housing form types between 1-20 units and under 5000 sf of commercial or industrial space. This presentation helps orient how this information can be harnessed to focus early development efforts into the best, most flexible product types for a community.
Presented by the Alliance Faculty, this lecture outlines typical barriers to small-scale development, examples of small projects in other locations, and general strategies community groups and governments can take to support redevelopment.
Presentation led by Alliance Faculty intended for an audience from the real estate development, city administration, and community partners. IDA will discuss administrative “contamination” that can create barriers and hurdles for small scale development and ways to improve those situations.
Presentation: The Dirty Dozen, Administrative Contamination – David Kim
Introduction to STEP Buildings presentation is intended for stakeholders who will be engaging in the technical steps of the Diagnostic and/or responding to the Diagnostic results for the Town of Rockingham OR anyone who is interested. This session gives the audience imagery to spark ideas for what they might want to see in their place by presenting both the philosophy behind and physical manifestation of Small-scale, Time-enhanced, Entrepreneurial, and Purposeful Buildings. There are over 50 STEP Buildings and a curated subset appropriate to your place will be used to examine the code and finance thresholds that affect them. This session gets down to brass-tacks: what it takes to finance, design, approve, construct, and rent out the buildings cities actually want to see.
At the end of the IncDev technical assistance process, it is clear there are many small steps to take in order to improve Rockingham’s small scale developer ecosystem. In order to move forward and take those small steps, interested residents, landlords, business owners and local leaders will meet on a regular basis to review findings and create action items.
If you’d like to be a part of the Rockingham Incremental Development Working Group (RIDWG), please email to be added to the email list.
A special meeting with the Incremental Development Alliance to hear more about the Target Market Analysis (TMA) that was conducted for the Town of Rockingham/Village of Bellows Falls. The first 45 minutes of the meeting focuses on market analytics, methodology and approach, study results, and next steps.
A Target Market Analysis is a unique approach to conducting housing and retail market studies. It focuses on studying the lifestyle preferences of households moving into and within local markets like ours. Household preferences range from inclination to be renters or owners; family composition and socio-economic diversity; income and price tolerance for new houses and for-lease units; and inclination to shop at new shops and businesses.
The study focused on measuring the magnitude of market gaps and potential for new housing units and retail space and identifying the optimal building formats for our city. The housing study will focus on missing formats like attached condos, townhouses, duplexes, triplexes, etc. The retail study will focus on small business opportunities ranging from merchants to services, and from entertainment venues to eateries.
Once completed, the market study will be used as a platform for additional work by the Incremental Development Alliance. The data will help inform a process of identifying optimal locations for reinvestment and identifying the highest and best use of site-specific development opportunities. The study results will also help guide and inform the city with future land use planning. Results can also help inform private developers and investors on the ideal retail and housing mix, scale, format, and locations for new mixed-use projects.