The Bellows Falls Opera House COVID-19 Guidelines
The BFOH capacity will stay at 75 people per showing/event
We ask that you follow 6ft, social distancing guidelines when arriving, during and after the movie.
Bathrooms will be cleaned and sanitized before, during and after the movie.
Plexiglass barriers have been placed between patrons and concession staff.
We are offering pre-packaged salt to patrons.
Hand sanitizer stations are available in the lobby and outside the bathrooms.
Patrons will be asked to exit the doors in the theater.
We have installed automatic facets, soap and paper towel dispensers in the restrooms.
Please leave 3-4 seats in between your party and another party.
We have roped off every other row, as well as the first seat of each row.
Our staff are being asked to complete the Vosha COVID-19 online training.
Our staff is being screened for any COVID-19 symptoms and having their temperature taken and logged prior to coming to work.
We are following contract tracing protocols, by taking your name and information prior to entering the building.
Health Screening: If you answer yes to any of the following questions you will be asked to refrain from entering the building.
Have you been in close contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have had COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Have you had a fever or felt feverish in the last 72 hours?
Are you experiencing any respiratory symptoms, including runny nose, sore throat or difficulty breathing?
Are you experiencing any new muscle aches, significant tiredness, or chills?
Have you had any new changes in your sense of taste or smell?
Have you revealed in the past 14 days either: Internationally or domestically in either yellow or red zones?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions, please do not put our employees or other customers at risk and come back another day when you feel better.
Please remember if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 state guidelines:
Remain home if experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19
Wear a mask in public locations
Stay 6 feet from others
Practice frequent handwashing
As we venture into our re-opening we have a few things to share: First and foremost, thank you to all of the staff who have been volunteering this whole time. We all have the goal of opening up the theater and understand how vital the theater is to our community. As with all businesses, there will be some changes due to Covid-19: Please, please please be patient and kind. We are all in the midst of learning and adapting to these new changes. Our staff and patron’s health and safety is a priority! Wear your mask at all times when you are not enjoying your refreshments. We ask that you be vigilant about mask wearing. This is to protect you and other patrons around you. Early, Early, Early. We are planning to open the doors early in order to get people their food and seats prior to the movie starting. We can only fit nine people in the lobby at a time. We have to start the movie at the correct time, due to cleaning procedures. Price change, this is one of our biggest changes. There was a need to increase the price of tickets to $6.00 a ticket. This change was to offset the cost of fees with offering a cashless system. As well as needing more staff to cover all the procedures we need to keep people safe. We have not begun using the cashless system but hope to have it in place asap. Until we get a “grasp” of the crowd sizes we are offering ushers to assist people into their seats. We ask that you be kind and courteous to the usher. They will be following the procedure they were asked to follow. This may change depending on crowd sizes. But we anticipate larger crowds that might exceed our ability to seat. There is a requirement of three seats between each party. Tickets will be sold outside. Please dress appropriately for the weather. Follow social distancing guidelines please. We are asking that one person in the bathroom at a time. If you go to the lobby for refreshments please send one person in your party at a time. If you have any questions or concerns, please email, message or bring them directly to the manager on duty.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Bellows Falls Opera house is to provide a fun, exciting and charismatic environment, all while allowing patrons to relax and see a show. The BFOH is the cornerstone of Bellows Falls, offering the largest screen in Southern Vermont, the most versatile stage, affordable entertainment, motivated staff, and our one-of-a-kind refreshment package the triple up! Come and visit us, where the word “hometown” comes to life.
Thank you for your continued support of the Bellows Falls Opera House!
Timothy Heidbrink.... BFOH Theater manager
We are proud to announce that Tim Heidbrink has been named theater manager for the Bellows Falls Opera House. Tim has been working at the theater for over 15 years, both as an evening manager and concession staff. He has been trained by two past managers and has a vast amount of managerial skills.
During the day, he works at Faith Toyota Ford in Westminster Vermont as a service writer.
He lives in Bellows Falls with his wife, Jennifer and their two children Harper and Stella.
He is proud to be continuing his work at the theater. And hopes our customers will feel comfortable bringing any questions or concerns to him as they have with other past managers. He would like to assure customers that their health and safety is top priority to opening the theater. He looks forward to seeing both returning and new faces on October 17th.
Thank you!
Tim Heidbrink, Opera House Manager
Phone: 802-463-3964 extension 1120
Mobile: 802-376-6480
The Bellows Falls Opera House is located on the first floor of the Town Hall. Live events are also currently on hold until further notice.
Contact Us
For information on sponsoring films, renting the Upper or Lower Theater, and all other questions, please fill out this form below and someone will reach out to you as soon as possible.
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